Saturday, September 18, 2010

Getting Back in the Groove...Updates, Bicycles, & Spiders!

Well, work has taken all of my focus this week just to get back in the groove. I had wanted to finish up the "dream series" blog that I was writing but until I get back to 100% I think I will put a hold on that. When I do pick it back up it will be with dreams that have came true. I think a good place to start. Until then let me tell you a few short funnies that have happened through out the last two weeks as I love to make people laugh!

So..I am driving down 185th coming back from therapy. I am kind of in la la land as I am on pain meds for my back to begin with so you can imagine my surprise when I see a man on a bicycle crossing the road where he is not supposed to cross. He is trying to cut through traffic in double lanes & we all know how busy 185th is. Him crossing the road incorrectly is not the funny part. The funny part imagine this...he has on the gym short that are elastic (can you see where this is going) and they have slid down to the bottom of his bottom! Cars are slowing down for shock I am sure as I didn't want to see what I saw, but there is was...a full moon shining in the middle of the day & he had no choice but to keep peddling as he needed to get out of the middle of the road! LMAO! As he reached the other side the first thing he did was pull them up!

I can't imagine being him! In the middle of the street knowing your buttocks is showing for all the world to see! I am glad it just didn't slip further! I think I may have needed to go to the next doctor visit which would have been the optometrist! It would have surely put my eyes out!

So moral of the story...just when you think you have witnessed the stranger things in life, something is waiting for you around the corner or should I say crack? funny story....

It is a week night & Cheryl & I are watching TV. I am on the long couch as I was icing my back & she was on the love seat. All of a sudden she ask me do I see that? See what? That huge spider? No! Look at it over here, it is huge! Please remember we are both paralyzed with fear. I slowly move over & holy mother! It is the mother ship of all spiders & I am sure it was looking at us! Cheryl tells me to get the hornet spray as it shoots 20 feet & I am the closet to the kitchen. So stealthily I go & get the spray & the flashlight. I hand the spray to her, we know that she only has this one shot....& she misses! The hornet spray goes all over my plant which is dripping with foam & the spider? Well, he/she whatever it is had high tailed it back up under the entertainment center.

Now we are really petrified knowing he is in the house with us but we can't see him. So, we bravely continue to watch TV & watch for Morgana as I have named the spider. Which was in a fantasy novel I read that she was the largest & evilest of all spiders. that Morgana? Why yes...she is venturing out again! Do we miss this opportunity? Yes...she is too fast & ran back under the entertainment center. So for the rest of the night we are done, on eggshells & our nerves are toast.

We never have found that spider....until the next night.....

We are laying in bed & I am exhausted from returning to work so I am right at that point of drifting off to a sleepy slumber. Cheryl is reading a book & just about that time I fade to black...something runs across the top of my chest, close to my throat! Oh My Goodness! I scream! She screams! We grab the covers at the same time & within 1/2 second we are standing the middle of the bedroom floor with a completely stripped bed looking at the mattress. Remember my back is all messed up & moving fast is not in the doctors orders. But there is no spider! What? Then what was it? Then we see what it was flying around the bedroom light a large mosquito. Good Gosh! By now we are both so frazzled & mad we look at each other & almost say at the same time....KILL IT! We needed to squash something as this spider is causing us stress. So Cheryl squashed the mosquito.

Needless to say, it is four days later & we still are walking around looking for Morgana. I am hoping that our wild & crazy Nermal, sweet little kitten that he is has finished him off. But I have no proof, so there still may be a spider among us.

Oh & sad but true the stupid mole in our yard has survived the last attack of fire (see my Mole Wars blog) & there are two new mounds of dirt in our yard. Maybe I should catch the spider & release it in the mole holes hoping he would poison the mole. Only in a perfect world!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Watching Through the Midnight Eye...Part Three

I returned to work today after being off for a month with a herniated disc. The company & the people I work with are exceptional & the transition back is smooth. Thanks to anyone who may read this that has had a part in helping me adjust.

In sticking with my schedule I mentioned in my last blog today I am going to tell you a dream I had several years ago but it is still so vivid today. Depending on how this blog goes I may or may not tell a couple of dreams that came true. Let's get going & see...

This dream intrigues me as I am an animal lover. I love everything from frogs to dogs to bears to snakes. The only thing I struggle with is spiders, but that is another story! In this dream I enter a room that has candles lit. The room is a golden color like that of a chamber. There are extravagant furnishings, paintings, and carpets. The center piece is a huge fireplace where there are two burgundy pillows on each side with two white cats sitting on these pillows. The white cats are Himalayans with beautiful green eyes. The cat on the left speaks to me & says; "what you are looking for lies in there" as he looks towards the fireplace. The cat on the right says; "Enter" & as I am watching the fireplace it opens in half. I find that I am very trusting in dreams where animals talk to me. I never doubt what they tell me to do unlike humans. So I enter into the fireplace & there is a door. I open the door & to my surprise there is a table as long as you can imagine. Like the kind of table you see in a medieval movie. It is huge & gorgeous! The room I remember had a lot of wood. Like wood panels on the wall, the table, high back chairs. This is the best the table sat several different varieties of cats. The were sitting like humans, with clothes on! The clothes were from the 1800's era & the cats were sipping tea. The simply looked at me & asked if I would like to stay & have some tea with them. Sounds like a Led Zeppelin song I know, but that is how the dream happened. So I did & then I woke.

I can't remember how long ago this dream was it has to be in excess of 15 years, but I still can see it in my mind's eye & remember every color & detail.

Why is that? Are there others of you out there that can remember a dream from long ago like that? If so, I would love for you to share. I find this fascinating for all the things I do forget, that I would remember a dream from so long ago. That leads me to wonder what significance it had or has in my life? Or am I simply in love with the dream because of the speaking interaction with the cats?

Ok...I am going to stop there for today & tomorrow will tell you about the dreams that have come true & how I can determine they will before I even have them. These haunt me to this day. Gift or Curse? You decide.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Watching Through the Midnight Eye...Part Two

So in continuing with this Dream Series I would like to share today a recent dream that I have had. Tomorrow will be a dream that I had years ago but is so vivid I could never forget, and then on Monday will be dreams that actually came true. Then within the next few of days we will look at others & their dreams & what they mean.

So buckle we go as we watch through the midnight eye.

In this recent dream I had I am walking along a cobblestone street. I am looking at the building & homes that line the street. Their architecture is Renaissance period with roofs that are pointed like that of a upside down ice cream cone. As I am walking I notice the cobblestone street is tilted towards the right, why everything is tilted in one way or the other. I can't quite understand this. So as I am walking I come to another cobblestone street to my left, but this street is at such an incline that I can't see over the top of where it starts to descend. I am also looking in curiosity because there are streamers attached to flag poles that are different lengths so some are close to the buildings while others extend well out into the path of the cobblestone street. The streamers are also long enough for me to grab. They are beautiful colors and attached to brass rings. I think to myself that if I want to get up this hill to see what is on the other side maybe I could use these streamers, maybe that is why they are here. So I grab the first one & pull myself while I walk up the hill, then another & so on. I am almost at the top almost at the top when the next streamer I need to grab I notice is not only attached to a brass ring but is threaded through to a door bell. I hesitate in grabbing on but I really wanted to make it to the top of the street so I took hold. When I did the door opened & a little old lady that resembled the Ms. Beasley doll came to the door and this is what she asked; "Are you part of any revolt or the Nazi Army?" I said no just trying to get to the top if this street. Then the little old lady stated; "In that case, come in." So I held on to the streamer & climbed her stair into her odd leaning home. As she invited me to sit at her table in the kitchen she was busy getting tea & some type of muffin or cake to eat with it. She stated she needed to get something out of the pantry & would be right back. When she left the room the home begin to tilt, everything moved & I wasn't sure what was happening. But as the home was tilting to the extreme right I noticed that everything she owned was secured. Such as the toaster was attached to the counter, the dish drainer was also attached as if this was a normal way of life for her & the home was equipped to rock back & forth without any destruction of her personal items. When she entered back in the room & smiled at me I awoke.

OK...what was up with that? A tilted town with tilted streets? Streamers on brass rings to assist me with my climb? And a little old lady that looked like my favorite doll when I was a child? The one thing I remember the most is how vivid the colors were. Everywhere colors so rich it was as if they were melting & flowing everywhere. I really would have liked to have finished this dream. At least to see what was at the top on the of the cobblestone street on the other side.

Yesterday my daughter responded with comments from her dream book for the first dream I posted. I am going to have to get a copy of this book. I believe the books interpretation made since. You can see her comment on this blog. I will have to see what she says about this one until I can get the book.

I would love to will myself to go back into this dream in order to finish it or at least continue it. Is that possible? Can we pick up where we have left off? I for one believe that it is as I have done this with other dreams before. What I am not sure of at this time if it is my will that takes me there to pick up where I left off or is it the will of something that is beyond my comprehension. Are there reasons that I may never know until after the fact? Or simply me wanting to play in my sleep with my desires. Something I can ponder.

So until tomorrow...consider the aura around you, consider the things are that felt & not seen, consider what all of it means within your dreams.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Watching Through the Midnight Eye...

How many times have you ever woke up & asked yourself, "What was that dream all about?" Over the course of my life I can't count how many times I have asked that question. Let us explore the Midnight Eye together & maybe this blog will prompt you to reconsider and ponder about what you dream...

I am riding on an elephant with Cheryl, Andrew (our son), and a little baby. Not quite sure who the little baby is. I can feel the elephant's rough skin & hair that is stiff & poky. NOTE: I have rode an elephant in real life so I am sure that helped to make that experience very vivid. We are riding this elephant into town, he is so big so we can't find anywhere to park him. We decide to just go home. So on the way home as we are walking down the main street of this town & the little baby we have make a mess in his diapers. I am freaking out telling Cheryl we have got to find a place to change the baby because it is leaking out of his diapers & I don't want it all over me! As we are looking & making our way down the street I see it is raining but only on the street we are going to cross as we make our way home. So when we get to this cross street I tell the elephant to please stop & I whip off the baby's diaper & sling it towards a trash can I see on the corner of the street. Needless to say, I missed it & it was quite a gross mess. I picked the baby up & held him out over the side of the elephant & let the rain wash him off until he was clean. Then I awoke & that was the end of the dream.

What does all of this mean? Why am riding an elephant? Why is it raining only on the cross street? And why am I washing a baby in the rain? Well...we know why because he was filthy with poop. But why in that manner? Strange.

It is so very interesting to me how my mind conjures up these dreams. Whether it be from life experiences, books I have read, movies I have watched . What about the dreams though that are of people I have never seen? or places I have never been? Experiences I have never had? I find these dreams even more fascinating as I love to dream.

There was a time in my life when I was plagued with nightmares. Sometimes I still have them & they are very real to me. Real because some of my dreams have came true. At first I thought this was a curse as my grandmother had the same gift, but now I try to use it as a tool to understand & possibly see something that is simply not visible to the naked eye. For example...

Years ago I dreamt that I was floating above an operating table. I could see the doctors working feverishly over me & at first I could not figure out why. Then I realized that I was dead. The doctors were trying to revive me. Emotionally I didn't feel sad in the dream that I had died I was just observing to see if they would bring me back to life or should I say God would bring me back to life. I believe the doctors are only the instruments He uses. I never did find out the answer as I awoke. I didn't put too much thought into this dream. It was kind of stuck in the back of my mind for a few days but then it went away or so I thought. Exactly two weeks to the day that I had that dream which I had shared with others at that time I awoke with an awful stomach ache. I didn't want to wake anyone in the home as I thought it was silly to do so for a tummy ache, but it kept getting worse & worse. So four hours later I did tell someone & off to the hospital we went. To make a long story short...I had appendicitis which had already ruptured within me. Peritonitis had set in & I had to be taken into emergency surgery. They cut me open (the scar they left is 7" long & hideous) you can tell they were in a hurry. I died on the operating table while they were trying to cleanse my internal organs. They had to jump start me with the paddles & only then did I come back to life after being technically dead for 4 minutes. Well...there is the ending to my dream.

So I guess you can understand why I put value into the dreams I have & I have to filter through which ones mean something & which ones are for fun. I can remember my dreams all the way back to my childhood as they have always been a huge part of my life. I even tried to escape them several times but now I have grown to accept them & the place they hold in my life.

I think I am going to start a small blog series with this & delve into some of my dreams, some of the famous people who have been led by their dreams, & also people from the Bible who Jesus has led with their dreams. I am always open to learning & maybe this will help. I also hope you as an audience will find this read particularly interesting.

Well, until the next Dream Blog Part 2...start watching through your minds eye.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Victory in the Mole Wars!

So this is a second part blog to Mole Wars if you want the whole story.

My father in law was visiting over the Labor Day Weekend & we had a wonderful time. However, he shared various stories with Cheryl & I on how to exterminate moles. Cheryl, taking the DIY attitude I saw was listening intently to her dad. I never thought any more of the various ways to get rid of the moles he had mentioned as I had sent an email off previously to the pest control guy & was awaiting his reply. Until....

The next morning it was my turn to fix breakfast so as I am in the kitchen getting ready the bacon & french toast as I see my beautiful Cheryl outside on the deck. At first I didn't think anything about it as she goes out there & shovels up the dirt that the stupid little rodent has left & fills the hole in. If you read the previous journal blog you will see we have tried everything from flooding to poison & nothing worked.

As I am cooking, I turn to get a cup of coffee & I see Cheryl with a lighter fluid can & the long stick lighter.) Oh my gosh!!! What is she doing I thought!!! But it was too late as she knew I would flip my lid. She had already poured the lighter fluid down the holes & ignited the fire! I shouted out her name & she turned to me with that mischievous childish grin. I said "what do you think you are doing?" & she replied calmly "getting rid of the mole." I tried to explain how the fire could have followed the lighter fluid out of the hole & she should have had someone there, but she just said that I wouldn't have let her done it & she really wanted to. Oh Boy!

Well, everything was said & we wait...

It is been five full days since Cheryl decided to take matters into her own hands & become the official mole exterminator of our home. I believe she accomplished her mission as we have seen no moles in this last five days. That's my baby!!! Always making me catch my breath (both good & bad) but then coming out smelling like a rose. It is one of those things I love about her so much. She views things in an adult way but has this child-like way about her, innocent & pure. I believe it is what protects her & keeps her safe even when she is lighting fire down in the mole holes!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Do You Realize What You Just Said?

I just watched a news forum debate between Barney Frank & Rachel Brown who is a Lyndon Larouche supporter. For those of you who don't know Mr. Larouche you may read about him in full at: .

This debate prompted me to blog about it because I was angered by Ms. Brown for likening President Obama to Adolph Hitler. Wait...did I hear her correctly...let me hit replay. Yes, she said it. Does she just realize what she said? Even her supporters in this short video had signs that had drawn a mustache on President Obama to resemble Adolph Hitler. You can watch the video at:

OK...let's think about what she just said folks. President Obama is like Adolph Hitler. I am trying to wrap my mind around this & be as open minded as I can. Let's compare some likeness;

President Obama                                                                          Adolph Hitler
Politician                                                                                      Politician
Both wrote a book                                                                      Both wrote a book
Supported their Party                                                                  Supported their Party
Establish a New Order                                                                Establish a New Order
Leadership Skills                                                                         Leadership Skills

However, I do not believe that President Obama has done the following for what we remember as the worst Holocaust in history. Taken directly from Wikipedia: Nazi forces engaged in numerous violent acts during the war, including the systematic murder of as many as 17 million civilians, including an estimated six million Jews targeted in the Holocaust and between 500,000 and 1,500,000 Roma,Poles, Soviet civilians, Soviet prisoners of war, people with disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other political and religious opponents.

While I understand that it is difficult to look at Adolph Hitler & see anything good he did possess the skills listed above which in a factual manner can be compared. But... & this is a big BUT can Rachel Brown in good conscience make a statement as she did on national TV in a debate with an experienced current member of congress knowing the facts of the Holocaust. Should we give her the benefit of the doubt??? Maybe she has forgot her history she learned in school. Maybe her & another former VP candidate should get together & discuss history & geography.

I believe that I have seen the opposite actions from our leader as he is trying to make the USA safe for everyone, equality a must, & bringing our troops home from wars that should have never begun or gone way too long. Oh, and as far as the New Order...well we really do need it because the old order was killing us all & that is figuratively & literally speaking.

It would stand to reason that Barney Frank stated in a previous debate with Rachel Brown that he said "talking to her was like talking to a table." What's the use? I believe that Mr. Frank was correct & knew exactly what he said.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sharing Our Depth

This blog is dedicated to my beautiful one of a kind wife...

Cheryl is an early riser & for the last six years of my life I have been blessed to be awaken by her presence every morning. It is our quite snuggle time before we let the rest of the world in. This morning was no different with the exception of a good morning story that she provided me...

She told me of a story called The Gift of The Magi. I had never heard this story before so in my waking hours still soft & tender before the opening to the harsh world could enter this story was simply amazing to me. This is the short version but I will provide the link at the end of the story if you care to read it in its entirety.

This story put very simply reflects the depth of a love that two young people had for each other on one Christmas Eve. There were two things the couple held precious since that didn't have much money or material items & that was Jim's watch given to him by his grandfather & Della's hair as it was full, thick, & fell below her knees. Jim adored her hair. Since they were not going to be able to buy each other gifts for Christmas each sacrificed selflessly the one thing they loved the most. Della got her hair cut & sold it for $20 to buy Jim a chain for the watch he treasured so much & unknowing to Della Jim sold his watch to get her the beautiful hair combs that she had stared at for so long in the store window. If you would like to read the story in full the link is: , it is well worth the read.

What inspired Cheryl to tell me this story is we had a discussion over whether the liquid shower soap bottle should stay open or closed. As silly as it sounds, you know how it can be when you want something a certain way. Cheryl wanted the bottle open & I wanted it closed. When I went to take a shower yesterday as much as she had wanted the bottle to stay open I noticed it was closed, so when I finished my shower I left it open. Therefore, leading to the telling of the story above.

It doesn't matter how much or how little you have & the gesture can be as big as an heirloom from a family member or your own hair to cut & sell. It can be as simple as a cap on a liquid shower soap bottle to show the depth of you love.

And much as I love my hair (those of you who know me) I would cut it in a second for Cheryl & I know that beyond a doubt she would sell her watch.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Peering in the Viewing Window...

As I was laying in bed the other night I was thinking about how prejudice the world is today. America houses people from everywhere, Ireland, England, India, Pakistan, Russia, Mexico, Africa, & the list could go on & on from continents to small towns of places we may never have heard of before. And as I am contemplating how a lot of us try not to be prejudice in some small way we still are. Even is we catch ourselves in the act & correct our thought, we still had the thought & we were ready to judge.

We all know the look when we we are being judged whether it be from the way we are dressed, to the color of our skin, to the person we choose to love, or the part of the city we get lost in. We have all been there in those situations that can be very uncomfortable to downright scary.

As I am tossing this thought around another idea popped in my mind....

Have you ever seen the faces of family & friends who come to look at us in the hospital when we are born in the baby viewing window? There is an ocean of babies, black, white, tan, brown, but not one thought of prejudice overcomes the person peering in no matter what their background may be. There is just an overwhelming feeling of love & happiness that is shared for all of life. This may be the one time in our lives that we can say when we peer in at others not like ourselves we feel no prejudice at all. Even after you have found the baby you came to see before you leave you still glaze over the sea of babies getting one last glimpse as it completes the moment.

Why I wonder do we change? How could that little baby twenties years later be a target of our prejudice? Was it the color of his/her skin? Was it the way the person was dressed? The company they keep? or where they live? Why can't we in one brief moment of having that prejudice thought think to ourselves that we all are still peering in that viewing window. We may not be as cute & cuddly as we use to, we may have our own baggage we carry that has molded & shaped into who we are, but we are still those same little babies that came into the world, a life so precious, all of us equal, & for a brief moment shared the same space without prejudice.

At what point in time did I change???

Let's peer into that viewing window together & start anew...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Mole Wars

Aka: Mr. Mafia Molre3ce
We purchased our house almost a year ago & we have been diligent in cleaning up some items the previous owners left behind. We have also been painting, sealing the deck, & landscaping. Everything a new homeowner would do.

Well about 2 months ago we noticed in the front yard on the edge of where the jungle part starts there were the little mounds. I didn't pay much attention to them but Cheryl probably did & was thinking about a plan of attack.

Then we noticed about a month ago the little mounds had multiplied & were now moving in the direction of our shadow garden. This is a special area for me as it is my favorite part of the yard, it is romantic. It has a secret garden feel to it & in my mind's eye I see what this will develop into in the future. I have planted so many blooming flowers & added beautiful ferns. There is green foot friendly ground cover growing & recently white rock was added. So now our white rock as brown dirt on top of it. All the while I am suddenly not a lover of furry little creatures anymore as I am having visions of aiming a shotgun down this rodents hole!

We have tried poison, human hair, plugging the holes back up, and flooding with the hose. I was praying he would wash up drowned but to no avail, no mole...he must have a secret back door.

This morning as I am getting my morning cup of coffee I always look out the kitchen window at the back yard & admire how beautiful it is. None of it which I can take much credit for as this is Cheryl's baby. As I am feeling the dawning of a new day but what do I see???? Three freshly dug mole hills in our beautiful grass!! I run out of the house screaming at this point. At what I do not know because the stupid mole can't hear me, but now my neighbors think I am stark raving mad...nothing really new I guess...haha!

So we filled the holes back up with poison again! I did send an email to the pest control man to find out how much it is going to cost to rid us of this rodent. Never in my life have I been intruded on in this manner & not able to have any control over it.

I have always hated animals mounted on the wall & therefore have none in our home, but I think if this mole is in one piece when we finally kill him that I would like to mount him. It would give me much pleasure after all of this to walk by & smile at Mr. Mafia Mole mounted on my wall.

Kind of like the last gun slinger standing feeling! (blowing the smoke from my barrel)

Dolly Park

Dolly Park
Yesterday evening we decided to take a walk to our park that is right up the road from us. It was a beautiful day, we had Subway sandwiches & talked. After our little picnic we decided to take a walk around the babbling brook. This is where I have been going to exercise my back & so I am all up for a walk as I can see the benefits that it has been yielding. We are just about to the end of our walk &I look over at the playing field & see hiding in the bushes this little doll baby. I pointed it out to Cheryl & she suggested we walk around on the field & pick it up. Ok... When I first saw the doll baby I thought about some poor little girl who had lost it & maybe stayed up all night crying because she couldn't find her friend. Then when Cheryl picked the doll baby up, it was verified as she was a little wet from the rain the night before she had been there all night. I couldn't imagine what this child thought after loosing her best friend. Cheryl decided to sit the doll baby on the park bench where we found her so that if the child came back she would see her doll. I thought that was a great idea & so we sat her on the bench. At first I felt good about this whole thing, we had found a lost doll baby & now even if the original child didn't find her another child maybe would. But as we are walking away...I turn around to get one last glimpse of the little doll & another emotions over takes me! This doll is creepy! She no longer looked like a lost doll with tasseled hair that was missing her playmate. No, she looked like a co-star of the Bride of Chucky. I asked Cheryl to look also & she agreed. The doll looks a little unsettling. So my conclusion of this story is....there is no child crying, no child loosing sleep because her friend is gone. No, that doll was left there intentionally as the child saw the same creepiness we did & didn't want that in her home. So there you have it....the story of Dolly Park.


It is 3am & I can't sleep. I believe it is due to the meds I am weaning myself off of for my back pain. So here I am writing on my blog....

Listening to the Nermal (our new kitten) crunch cat food. He is an eating machine & never stops. Everything is so quite at this hour it is as if everything stops. No cars driving by, no honking horns, even your home seems to sleep with you. Things that would normally be running like the TV, frig, lights...only the ticking of a clock I can hear to remind me that life is still moving forward.

As a child I would sleep walk my way downstairs. Sometimes I would wake, sometimes not. Scaring family members that there was something wrong with me, why is she doing this? I was thinking trying to find a way out of this life even in the dreaming state. But if I woke while sleep walking & simply sat on the couch or go into my grand mother's room, it was this same stillness. It follows you where ever you go in life, not held by walls within a particular house, or a location, it is just that secret silence that is there when you need it in the middle of the night.

I use to get up a lot in the middle of the night like this but over the years I am sleeping better. This is in part to a lot of things. A lot of good changes in my life so I can get a good nights sleep. But I miss the quite peaceful solitude of feeling like I am the only one awake at 3am. I feel most alive at this time. I can't explain it. But as as I have grown older & watch the hours of a day pass away from early morning to late evening there is nothing quite like the hours between midnight & 5am. Ideas, poems, titles for books I may never write or take a shot at run through my mind. My brain turns on to things I find that are alive & circling in there. During the waking hours theses same thought are there but are pushed back by the logic & priorities of the day.

Maybe since I love this time & miss it I should sacrifice my sleep & make it a habit to get up & spend an hour with my thoughts at night. Something good may come of it...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

He Lives!

I don't know how he survived but little munchkin squirrel is back up on the fence looking fine. However, Ugly cat is spitting dirt & wiping spider webs out of his whiskers! Victory for the squirrel...this time....


I was taking a break from this laptop as sometimes I feel like it is eating me alive, no pun intended as you will see further in my story. Sitting on the porch eating a bowl & apple & cinnamon oatmeal, I know strange. I am watching the new little batch of baby squirrels play along the fencing & gathering food we have out for them. I am counting, one, two, three, four, because there are always four,...and what is that???? A munchkin baby squirrel!! Just as I am really into this blissful serene moment, BAM! one of the bigger baby squirrels comes along & knocks him off the fence to the inside where I am. At first I felt really bad for this little munchkin squirrel but then I realized the squirrels had dropped a lot of food on the inside of the fence & he was in seed & nut Heaven! I pull myself together from the first mishap I am sitting there enjoying another serene moment sticking my tongue out at the bigger baby squirrels thinking ha ha ha ha you pushed him off but now he's has all the leftovers & he is loving it! No sooner than that thought materialized in my mind than my stupid cat named UGLY came barreling off the porch chasing this poor little squirrel. Here I am out of work with a bad back trying to move fast enough to get in between the cat & the munchkin but the baby squirrel runs under the deck & the cat follows. Now I am listening trying to figure out if the baby is smart enough to hide or if my Ugly cat is playing the role of Jack the Ripper! I am going to check again...keep you updated...

New to blogging & breathing again...

OK...I am breathing again. The blog is starting to take on a life of its' own. I am breathing slowly as a few moments ago my breathe was shallow from trying to figure things out. Ever notice how you hold your breathe when you are aggravated??? OK...onward forward march...

New to blogging & stressed!

So I have been tossing the idea around about blogging like so many other people do every day & I thought to myself that I would give it a try.

I am temporally out of work due to a back injury so I have lots of time on my hands & a lot of time in my mind to share thoughts about different subjects.

I named my blog "knock knock who's there?" as I change from one day to the next. You never know what you will be getting. Sometimes, neither do I.

I am stressed today because I am trying to figure out this feed thing. I always thought I was on the top of my "pc" game but somewhere in between working & becoming comfortable in just checking email & FB I have ended up lagging behind. Now I am paying the price trying to figure it out when someone younger would say "oh! just do this!"

So needless to say I will take assistance! Currently I am sitting up my blog. I also have twitter & FB. I think I need to feed into twitter, then feed to FB. Right? Don't let my sounding smart fool you! I read that somewhere & applying is a completely different subject.

I have so much I want to share & talk with you about, but for me feed correctly so I can feed you. It will be quite fun & adventurous I promise.
