Monday, September 24, 2012

Emotions Verses Legislation

Would someone answer this for me?

I have a question...why can't Washington and Oregon follow the model set forth by and skip all this "take it to the voters" go directly to the Supreme Court & have it changes via Legislation? It is after all unconstitutional, a vote the people are not qualified to make. The people make a decision based on emotions and judges look at the law, fairness, equality. It is a legal issue.

Is this possible?

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Knock Knock Who's There?: Equality Should Be in Every Home

Knock Knock Who's There?: Equality Should Be in Every Home: Fact: The government makes us lie Fact: The government doesn't treat Cheryl & I the same as other married couples Fact: We went to Canada ...

Equality Should Be in Every Home

Fact: The government makes us lie
Fact: The government doesn't treat Cheryl & I the same as other married couples
Fact: We went to Canada to have a legal ceremony. For anyone straight couple the marriage certificate would be valid in the U.S
Fact: The government says we have to file a "DUMMY Marriage" copy of our Federal tax returns along with the single tax returns since the don't treat use equally as others but Oregon does.
Fact: The government makes us lie
Fact: It the government gave us equal rights we would have received a Federal Refund of $684.00.
Fact: Because the government makes us lie and state we are single we have to hand over to them $1,054.00.
Fact: The government makes us lie
Fact: If I am a second class citizen without the rights that so many have that come along with marriage then I want my money back as you make me feel I don't exist.