Monday, October 18, 2010

Finding Balance...& stop using love when you mean hate!

Well, I returned to work about a month ago from being out with my back & now I have let work brainwash me into thinking I am exhausted when I return home so I have let my blogging fall to the wayside.

One note before I get started....don't ever listen to your Dr. if he/she tells you not to go to the Chiropractor. It has been the best experience & he fixed me in three visits. What the Dr was trying to manage with pain meds, now I am almost pain med free with the Chiropractor!!

So, what to talk about. There is so much. In the foremost part of my thoughts are the recent suicides of youth who have been bullied into thinking they are not worth anything & kill themselves. What a shame & what a waste of precious life. I wonder where the "bullier" got their preconceived thoughts from? What helped foster that type of thinking? How did they, the bullier, become so relentless in their bullying tactics it actually cause a human being to feel useless & take his/her own life? Let's look at that one....

I can think of a couple of reasons but without sounding biased myself let's take a general overview to explore. The last thing I want to do is be like the bullier.

In a home where you are raised regardless of a caring or destructive environment you have a tendency to think & build upon what the adults in your home do. So if you hear that being gay is bad, it is a sin, & people like that need to repent & be changed. I can see how you would form an opinion around these ideals & grow to believe this is not an accepted life if someone is like this. we get to a critical turn in the road. Even though I believe God placed everyone here as they are & doesn't make mistakes it doesn't mean everyone believes this too. Some people believe that being gay is a choice & as we all know who would choose this road to travel? Certainly not me, but moving on...Where does the hate come from??? Is it due to lack of understanding? Is it handed down because of that reason from parent to child? I find it hard to believe that someone would truly believe that God would want them to be that mean to someone & let them kill themselves because they are different. I am sure though, there are those who do believe this. I thought God's greatest command was to love one another. Causing someone to take their own life is not reflective of that law & I am sure there are those who would say to me...maybe it was best that way because he/she could not escape that demon that resided with in them. The sad part is they actually believe that down to their very core.

I am sure you are starting to see a pattern in my thinking at this point. I am not out to point the finger at "Christians", as I claim to be a child of God myself, gay & all. But I do ponder the following thoughts...If someone chooses to have no religion most likely they would not bully on this subject as they believe to each his own. If someone has a foundation of Christ's but they are a welcoming congregation & love as they are commanded by Jesus then these bullies aren't coming from that group either. Even if someone doesn't identify with a church, religion, organization but have their own spiritual beliefs they are not having the "we must change them" speech most likely this hate is not coming from them either. Then the only group left & I am not stating this fact as an "all inclusive" as I said before I am a Christian, but I do believe a strong percentage of this hate bullying is coming from children who hear this in their home. It would be interesting to survey them & see how many go to church every Sunday & how many hear their parents say awful things about LGBTQ children. Also would interest me to see how many pastors preach this hate speech from the pulpit.

We all learn to like & dislike or if I may using even stronger words, to love & hate by the time we are in our early teens. It is what we choose to love & hate that matters. Without going deeper I will stop here as I think most reader will have understood the message I am trying to convey.

If you are guilty of this bullying or teaching your children to bully others just because they are different, stop twisting your words.

  • Stop using love when you really mean hate. Example: It is because we love them that we are condemning them & trying to show them the errors of their ways."
  • Stop using love when you mean hate: "It is what Jesus states in the Bible". Pick up your Bible & read it, stop taking things for face value your pastor tells you without researching, it's not there.
  • Stop using love when you mean hate: "I care about you & want the best for you." Well if you want the best for me then love me the way God made me.


I choose to love myself the way that I am & while I should not say it has not always been that way. I have overcome the obstacles in my life. I choose to hate the actions of the very people who are suppose to above all, love one another. Who said...they loved me.

You are valuable, you are unique, important, beautiful, & above all God loves you just the way you are.

Things will get better...I am living proof.

Please email me if you need to chat.